Director, MarTech

Brandon Ratliff

A seasoned marketing technology and operations leader who navigates the ever-evolving landscape of the digital realm with finesse and innovation. Combining a passion for leveraging marketing technologies and driving to success. A career journey that has underlying transformative initiatives and a commitment to pushing Qualcomm to the forefront of industry trends helped him learn, grow, and flourish. Brandon’s foray into the digital marketing world began with a deep curiosity about the intersection of technology, design, and consumer behavior. Armed with a degree in design and a knack for embracing emerging technologies, he is making his mark on the industry. Early on, he recognized the power and potential of data-driven insights and analytics, paving the way for a success in digital marketing operations. One of his landmark achievements was spearheading the launch of a true lead life cycle. Recognizing the need for agility and adaptability, he orchestrated the implementation of advanced marketing automation tools, analytics operations, customer data platform, and many other martech tools to complement a cohesive strategy. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. His commitment to continuous learning and staying current with emerging technologies positioned him as a thought leader within the company and the industry at large. He actively participates in industry conferences, shares his insights through articles and webinars, and fosters an inclusive and transparent culture of innovation within his team. Brandon is marked by a commitment to excellence, a passion for innovation, and a deep understanding of the symbiotic relationship between marketing and technology. His career journey thus far is a testament to the transformative power of leveraging technology to not only meet but exceed the ever-evolving expectations of the digital consumer.